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‘Social media’ operation against Boğaziçi University students

A group of students who shared information about the Boğaziçi University protests against the appointed rector and wrote, “Release our friends” on Twitter and Clubhouse app were taken into custody in morning hours today.
‘Social media’ operation against Boğaziçi University students

An investigation has been launched against the students of Boğaziçi University who posted messages on social media and "made calls for the release of their friends detained during protests against the trustee."

Four students were taken into custody in the early morning hours today (February 3) and taken to the İstanbul Security Directorate's Department of Fighting Cyber Crimes. The detained students faced the possible charge of "provoking the public" as per the Article 216/1 of the Turkish Penal Code (TCK) because they tweeted, "Release our friends."

In the other social media posts that are subjected to the investigation, there are calls to the protest demonstrations.

Speaking to bianet about the issue, attorney Ali Gül said that two students had given their statements and they were now waiting for the instruction of the prosecutor's office as of 2.20 p.m. Students have been released from detention after giving their statements.

According to attorney Gül, the detained persons also shared voice messages about the protests on the "Clubhouse" voice chat app. "The aim is to intimidate students and prevent their calls for protest," Gül has noted.

94 people were detained during the Boğaziçi University protests in İstanbul's Kadıköy district yesterday. 

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